Photograph: Marcus Lange 

Ocean Heat & Fossil Hunters

The latest news on nature and conservation in Britain.

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Oceans | The surface of the world’s oceans has hit its highest ever temperature as climate change causes it to heat up. Last Friday, the Copernicus climate modelling service reported an average temperature of 20.96C, breaking the previous record set in 2016. Notably, the oceans are usually at their warmest in March, and scientists are worried about the potential for further heating over the next six months. The Wildlife Trusts expressed their “great concern”, warning that “the UK will not be immune to the changes we are seeing”. High ocean temperatures endanger marine species across the globe, as well as impacting ocean currents, storm activity, and the oceans’ capability to absorb carbon dioxide. The Trusts are calling on the government to accelerate net zero efforts, and to resource research into the potential impacts over the next five years. The BBC, the Guardian and the New York Times covered the news, among others. Copernicus also confirmed that July was the planet’s hottest month on record, reports the Times.

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